FAQs | Cincinnati | Bond Hill | ReGeneration Schools

What is a charter or community school?
Charter schools, which are often called community schools in Ohio, are free public schools that are independent of any school district and are open to all children, including students who are English language learners and students with special needs. Charter schools do not have special entrance requirements. Charter schools receive flexibility in operations in exchange for being held accountable for student performance.

Is there tuition?
No, charter schools are publicly funded and do not require tuition from families.

Who can attend a charter school?
As public schools, charter schools accept all students living within their attendance boundaries, including students with special needs and English learners. Students are admitted through a random, public lottery.

Is ReGeneration Schools a for-profit?
No. ReGeneration Schools is a not-for-profit because we deeply believe that our children need each and every penny of funding in the classroom. We do not have any for-profit affiliates selling curriculum or other services, either.

ReGeneration Bond Hill
5158 Fishwick Dr. Cincinnati, OH 45216

Phone: 513-216-9310
Email: Info@regenerationschools.org

7:40 a.m. Classes Begin

3:30 p.m. Dismissal
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