I Knew It was Home from Day One: Dean Donald Bailey, CICS Washington Park - ReGeneration Schools

I Knew It was Home from Day One: Dean Donald Bailey, CICS Washington Park

I Knew It was Home from Day One:  Dean Donald Bailey, CICS Washington Park

I knew I wanted to work at CICS Washington Park, part of the ReGeneration Schools network, the first time I visited the cafeteria. Unlike the chaotic scene in most school lunchrooms, I was blown away to see the scholars at CICS Washington Park listening to classical music and discussing current events.

Three years later, I am the Dean of the Middle School, I have sons enrolled in first grade and second grade, and we all love coming to school. The community feeling is one of the most unique aspects of our school, and our school team has deep roots in the neighborhood. One of our staff members, Mr. Calloway, has been at Washington Park so long that he remembers the parents and even some of the grandparents of the scholars who are enrolled here now. It’s a good feeling to know that the other staff members are looking out for my children as they do for all our scholars.

To make sure all our scholars are on track academically, we use data to measure their progress. When I took standardized tests as a child, I didn’t know what the results meant, but that’s all changed. At ReGeneration, we teach parents what the achievement data says about their children’s learning and how we are adjusting our program to meet their individual needs. Our scholars and parents review the data on a weekly basis and teachers use it to identify children who need additional tutoring and support so that no scholar falls behind.

Another element that sold me on the ReGeneration Schools’ approach is our focus on preparing our scholars for college. Beginning in kindergarten, our philosophy is to equip all our scholars with the knowledge and character they need to be ready for college, regardless of the path they choose in the future.

I feel lucky to come to work at ReGeneration’s CICS Washington Park every day and to be part of a school where all of our scholars, including my children, feel challenged and connected. And the classical music at lunchtime is pretty nice too!

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