What makes teaching at ReGen different?
Shared College Prep Mission
ReGeneration Schools believes in discipline, willpower, character, and a strong college preparatory education. Every student deserves access to a high-quality education that prepares them for success. We are committed to elevating academic excellence and strengthening schools to build a brighter future for our society.
Rigorous and Relevant Curriculum
ReGeneration Schools uses a curriculum that prepares each student for the rigors of college and prepares them to become active problem solvers.
Coaching for Professional Growth
We are committed to supporting your professional growth. Once on board, teachers receive ongoing support and professional development to continually refine their craft and provide the best possible education for our scholars.
Our Teachers & Leaders
- Unapologetically believe low-income students can become college and career ready.
- Possess a strong willingness and commitment to get the job done.
- Have high expectations on personal and team performance.
- Are flexible and adapt effectively to changing circumstances.
- Welcome constructive feedback and use it to become master practitioners.
- Demonstrate mastery of academic subjects.

"I have a desire to transform the lives of children. I believe that teaching is a skill that takes continuous practice, feedback, and dedication."
Melone Shurney, Dean of Students
Don't see a specific position listed?
Don't see a specific position listed? We are always looking for great teachers and leaders! Please send your resume and cover letter to talent@regenerationschools.org.