From TV News to the Classroom: Dean De’Sean Ellis Watson, ReGen Bond Hill - ReGeneration Schools

From TV News to the Classroom: Dean De’Sean Ellis Watson, ReGen Bond Hill

From TV News to the Classroom:  Dean De’Sean Ellis Watson, ReGen Bond Hill

When I was growing up, I didn’t encounter a Black educator until I was in tenth grade, and that teacher- Mr. Williams- was able to challenge and motivate me in a different way because he understood where I was coming from.

I started out in K-12 education while as a classroom teacher aide while in college, thinking it was just a way to earn some extra money. But when I began working with kids, I realized that I both enjoyed teaching and had a unique opportunity as a Black man to be a role model. I set aside my dream of becoming a ESPN baseball announcer and decided to pursue education as my career. My sister is a talented teacher and she encouraged me to apply to ReGen Bond Hill. I trust my sister when it comes to choosing a school and when she said ReGen was a place where I could make a difference, I sent in an application immediately.

De'Sean Ellis-Watson SmilingI am honored to serve as the Dean of Students at ReGen, and I really believe this is my calling. The switch to virtual learning in the middle of our first year has been hard on all of us, but I’m proud of my staff for how our team of teachers has supported our scholars and maintained connection with them. In this pandemic, educators are like first responders in helping keep children safe and on track for success in college and life.

I see our school as a baseball team. In my role I’m the assistant coach. I work behind the scenes to make sure our scholars stay in the game, maintain their motivation, and keep swinging for the ultimate “home run”– the path to college and a fulfilling career.

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