I Continue to Learn Every Day, Ms. Variona Carr - ReGeneration Schools

I Continue to Learn Every Day: Variona Carr, CICS Avalon ReGen

I Continue to Learn Every Day: Ms. Variona Carr, ReGen teacher at CICS Avalon

As a teacher, your ability to be successful in the classroom is always dependent on the environment in your school. When I was a student teacher, I had a supportive principal who saw my strengths and offered me a job before I even graduated. But my first full-time teaching job was a terrible disappointment. The school was under stress due to low performance and there was no support for the teachers. I was so burned out after one year that I decided to leave education and try real estate instead.

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However, I missed the kids and I knew my heart was back in the classroom. I was substitute teaching when ReGen found my resume on a job site and brought me into CICS Avalon for an interview. When I saw the orderly classrooms and the clear routines and expectations, I knew ReGen was a school where both children and adults would be set up for success.

Now I’m in my fourth year as a ReGen teacher and I continue to learn every day. In most schools, teachers are observed once a year, but at ReGen, we get feedback all the time. My administrators visit my classroom regularly and model specific strategies for lesson planning and instruction. In my first year at CICS Avalon, the CEO came in and showed me a better way to teach division. At first, I was surprised she was so hands-on, but I’ve been using her technique for four years, and it works.

As I’ve improved my teaching, I’ve been able to move up to the role of lead teacher. At ReGen, as you get better, you have the potential to gain more responsibility. This structure helps motivate me and my colleagues to do our best. Being at CICS Avalon has helped me raise my game as a teacher and I am excited to keep getting better in the years ahead.

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We believe that with strong leadership, high quality professional development for teachers, data driven instruction and strong student culture, all schoWe believe that with strong leadership, high quality professional development for teachers, data driven instruction and strong student culture, all schools can be transformed into high performing environments of academic excellence.

Our Teachers & Leaders

  • Unapologetically believe low-income students can become college and career ready.
  • Possess a strong willingness and commitment to get the job done.
  • Have high expectations on personal and team performance.
  • Are flexible and adapt effectively to changing priorities and conditions.
  • Welcome constructive feedback and use it to become master practitioners.
  • Demonstrate mastery of academic subjects.
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