ReGeneration Schools is a Family...For My Whole Family - ReGeneration Schools

ReGeneration Schools is a Family… for My Whole Family: Dominique Taylor-Gary, CICS Avalon

ReGeneration Schools is a Family… For My Whole Family: Dominique Taylor-Gary, ReGen Parent

When you’re a parent, you know when your child’s school is right for them…and when it’s not.

Six years ago, I was trying to decide where to send my daughter Ona’lisse to kindergarten. My mom, who’s a school nurse with ReGeneration Schools, convinced me to enroll Ona’lisse at CICS Basil. I never expected to become a charter school parent, but I loved the welcoming atmosphere and the focus on college success.

Ona’lisse has thrived at ReGeneration’s CICS Basil campus. She loves all the active, hands-on learning. By the end of kindergarten, she was two grade levels ahead academically. As a parent, I try to instill in my daughter the drive to succeed. I love that her teachers reinforce these high standards.

CICS Avalon ParentWhen Ona’lisse was in second grade, I tried transferring her to a district school closer to our house. Right away she started getting bullied. Within two weeks, I was calling ReGeneration Schools asking to transfer her back. They had space available at CICS Basil, and welcomed her back with open arms.

When our family moved to a new neighborhood the next year, I enrolled Ona’lisse at a public school down the street from our house. Her grades immediately dropped. I knew just what to do: I called ReGeneration Schools and asked about open spots at their closest school, CICS Avalon. They made the transfer easy, and she started there the next day. Her CICS Avalon teachers have made learning challenging and fun again.

Now my whole family is part of ReGeneration’s CICS Avalon campus. My mom is the school nurse, Ona’lisse is in fifth grade, and my son Ozir will start kindergarten in the fall.

ReGen schools really do feel like family. Every adult knows every child – including Ona’lisse – by name. Her teachers don’t hesitate to call or email me as needed.

This past year, with remote learning, has opened my eyes even more to how hard the teachers and staff work. Although we got lots of support for virtual lessons, Ona’lisse really missed seeing her CICS Avalon teachers in person. Currently she’s doing hybrid learning, going to campus two days a week, and every time I pick her up from school she tells me, “I had a good day.”

Meanwhile, Ozir and I are so excited for him to join his sister at CICS Avalon. And I’ve got a baby on the way, so we might have a new addition to the ReGeneration Schools family in a few years!

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